Monday 1 October 2012

NEWS (Automotive Tecnologies)

What is a hybrid system?
Hybrid system are a combination of two sources of power between the rotating motor gasoline generator to supply power to the battery as the energy source of the electric motor as the drive wheels.
Then .. there are how many kinds of hybrid system used?
There are two: Parallel Hybrid and Series-Parallel Hybrid .
What is the difference Parallel Hybrid with Series-Parallel Hybrid?                     ..............

How The Turbo Unit Works 

              The Compressor Side
To keep it brief and simple, a turbo unit compresses the intake of the engine by means of a fan. Essentially, the fan pulls in air on one side and then it pushes it out the other (see diagram A, here it's referred to as the compressor wheel). A fan performs the function of moving air; however we are still left with the task of compressing the air. In order to compress the air; we must then contain it within an enclosed space (this is the compressor housing). Once the intake is compressed it gets sent out to the engine. This process ....................

A gearbox is a method of transmitting energy from one mechanical device to another. It works by increasing the torque while at the same time reducing the speed. Torque generates power by twisting and bending solid material. The gearbox is located in the power shaft, and every gear in the gearbox has a specific purpose in the operation of the vehicle. Each level of speed has a relative gear that gives your vehicle the right amount of speed and torque. A gear ratio is used to det...................


    The engine lubrication system includes the lubricating oil, oil pump, oil filter and the oil passages. Oil lubrication provides a barrier between rotating engine parts to prevent damage by friction, damge which can result in huge auto repair bills. The engine oil provides a method of cooling engine parts that are not cooled by the engine cooling system. Engine oil helps to protect engine components from corrosion by neutralizing harmful chemicals that are the by-product of combustion.
    To protect moving parts and reduce friction, automotive engine oil provides a barrier between the rotating or moving engine components. Ideally, a film of oil should exist between moving components. This is called full film lubrication. In order to achieve full film lubrication, a constant supply of clean oil is required. The engine oil system constantly filters and circulates engine oil to ensure that all 


    How Does a Cooling System Work?

    Actually, there are two types of cooling systems found on motor vehicles:  Liquid cooled and Air cooled.  Air cooled engines are found on a few older cars, like the original Volkswagen Beetle, the Chevrolet Corvair and a few others.  Many modern motorcycles still use air cooling, but for the most part, automobiles and trucks use liquid cooled systems and that is what this article will concentrate on.
    The cooling system is made up of the passages inside the engine block and heads, a  water pump to circulate the coolant, a thermostat to control the temperature of the coolant, a radiator to cool the coolant, a raditor cap to control the pressure in the system, and some plumbing consisting of interconnecting hoses to transfer the coolant from the engine to radiator and also to the car's heater system where hot coolant is used to warm up the vehicle's interior on a cold day.
    A cooling system works by sending a liquid coolan